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- Crdit card track 2 generatorfree download for android android#
However Credit Card Track 2 Generator has been found on the sites linked above. Podcast Ben answers his first question on Stack Overflow.Credit Card Track 2 Generator. This must be the actual solution and also the answer to the question. I think you're right: but when do we exactly know when the sound's playing is done? Kavya Shravan Kavya Shravan 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges.

I found this here : It sounds like your application is not releasing its media player resources. RuntimeException: Init failed at android. Here, I hava a countdown timer, when the timer reaches 0, the app launch a ToneGenerator. The error comes from the ToneGenerator, and I can't find the problem. A couple of days ago, I received a crash log on my released app.
Crdit card track 2 generatorfree download for android android#
ToneGenerator crash Android Ask Question.

So, use the handler with the same millis as for tone generator. You have to release the tone generator after it is finished. I read that SoundManager was the best option for playing short sound effect, so I used a solution posted here because ToneGenerator is too unstable it seems. If you're playing a lot of sounds rapidly, the garbage collector won't be able to keep up. When you're done playing a sound, you need to call the MediaPlayer. It sounds like your application is not releasing its media player resources. I am thinking that maybe the device where the crash occured didn't have an AudioManager. So what can be the problem? I cheched if the ToneGenerator have a try Catch block, but there wasn't. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.